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Vencer – Mestre Moraes

Sabiá voou da mata
Pra fugir do gavião
Gavião ficou perdido
Sem saber da direção
Perguntou ao papagaio
Que logo falou não digo
Amigo da mesma laia
Não ajuda inimigo
Quanto mais se observar
Quanto mais se observar
Que também corre perigo
Mas não tava muito longe
A danada traição
Pato pra se proteger
Colocando condição
Entregou o sabiá
Sem dó e sem coração
Sinto dor dentro do peito
Sinto dor dentro do peito
Quando eu vejo hoje em dia
Tanto pato e gavião
Numa mesma moradia
Sabia flew in the forest
To escape the hawk
The Hawk stayed lost
Without knowing the direction
He asked the parrot
That soon spoke he will not tell
A real friend
Doesn’t help the enemy
The more you look
The more you look
That comes danger
But it wasn’t far away
The cursed betrayal
The Duck to protect yourself
Putting condition
Delivered the Sabia
Mercilessly and without heart
I feel pain in my chest
I feel pain in my chest
When I see nowadays
Both duck and hawk
In the same housing

A história nos engana – Mestre Moraes 

A história nos engana
Diz tudo pelo contrário
Até diz que aboliçâo
Aconteceu no més do maio


A prova dessa mentira
É que da miséria ou não saio
Viva vinte de novembro
Momento para se lembrar

Não vejo no treze de maio
Nada para comemorar
Muitos tempos se passaram
E o negro sempre a lutar

Zumbi é nosso herói
Zumbi é nosso herói, colega velha
Do Palmares foi senhor
Pela causa de homen negro
Foi ele que mais lutou

A pesar de toda luta, colega velha
O negro nâo se libertou, camara

The history misleads us
Says it all instead
Until says the Abolitionism
Happened in the month of May


The Proof of this lie
Is the poverty that do not go
Long live the twentieth November
Moment to remember

I do not see the May 13
Nothing to celebrate
Many times have passed
And it’s always the black struggle

Zumbi is our hero
Zumbi is our hero, old colleague
That was to Lord of Palmares
For the cause of black man
It was he who fought more

In spite of every fight,old colleague
The black is not free, friend

Mestre Moraes

Pedro Moraes Trindade, known as Mestre Moraes, was born as Pedro Martinez Trindade in Ilha de Maré on the 9th of February, 1950. President and founder of  GCAP – Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho. one of today’s most known Capoeira Angola groups.

His father was a Capoeirista himself and did introduce him to Capoeira at the age of 7. At the time he began studying Capoeira in the 1950s, he trained at the academy of Mestre Pastinha. However, by that time Pastinha was blind and no longer taught classes. The academy was run by Pastinha’s students Mestres João Grande and João Pequeno. He states that he is truly the student of João Grande.

In 1970 he joined the marines and was sent to Rio de Janeiro. There he started to teach some students which are nowadays known as masters, like Mestre Braga and Mestre Cobra Mansa. In 1980 he founded the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho, and two years later he moved with his organisation back to Salvador.